How Do You Get Your Puppy to Use Pads Again When They Stop

When information technology comes to potty training your puppy, many new puppy parents brainstorm training at dwelling house before moving outside. If you live in an apartment or surface area where you lot can't hands access outside multiple times a day, a neat option is to train your puppy to utilise potty pads before transitioning to going potty outside!

The goal of potty training is to teach your puppy to go potty in a designated expanse while helping them acquire how to hold their potty for longer periods of fourth dimension. But that is easier said than done, especially for puppy parents that live in apartment buildings or in urban areas that don't have easy admission to exterior spaces. In that example, training your puppy to employ a potty pad (besides known as a pee pad or puppy pad), combined with a potty schedule, can assist your puppy learn to consistently go potty where and when information technology is appropriate!


Why Employ Potty Pads?

You may be familiar with the old newspaper, or paper-thin substitutes from years ago that would get soggy and fall autonomously, or towels that needed constantly washing. Thankfully, domestic dog production applied science has since advanced and we have potty pads! They are actress absorbent, moisture-locking, odor-wicking (depending on the brand), and protective pads you tin can utilise indoors.

Depending on where y'all desire your puppy to go potty, you can lay downwards a few sheets of potty pads to create their potty space and also protect your floors. One of the most functional parts of potty pads is they are super quick and easy to make clean up. And, there are a variety of options bachelor out in the marketplace to fit your puppy's needs. For example, large-breed potty pad options protect and absorb more than what a small breed puppy would require.

How to Set Up Potty Pads in the Home

Get-go your puppy off on their potty training by picking a consistent spot in your habitation to go on their potty pad. Using the aforementioned spot will help your puppy make the clan of where you lot'd like them to go, and create the musculus memory of going at that place and then they create this practiced habit faster! In the beginning, we suggest covering a wider area with iii-4 potty pads until your puppy learns how to target the pad more precisely.

Important annotation: Although you lot can leave potty pads in your puppy's playpen to blot any accidents they may have, this on its own won't potty railroad train your puppy. This is why we recommend following a potty training schedule to teach them how to "hold it" and where to potty when information technology'due south time to!

Create a Potty Training Schedule

But similar it sounds, a potty grooming schedule lists out the times that your puppy goes potty! To assistance you create one that works with for your puppy, nosotros put together a sample schedule, plus a few potty preparation tips in our "Puppyhood Made Easy for New Owners: Create a Puppy Potty Schedule!" blog.

How to Teach Your Pup to become on the Pad

While following the schedule, at your puppy'southward designated potty fourth dimension, have them out of their crate, put on their harness and leash, and guide them to their potty pad area. Give them their "Go Potty!" command and permit them upwards to iii-5 minutes to relieve themselves. This is where the leash and harness come in handy! Alternatively, you tin too enclose the potty pad area with a pen to assistance your pup stay in the expanse and teach them to target the pads!

If later v minutes your puppy still hasn't gone yet, bring them dorsum to their crate for some other xv-twenty minutes, then endeavour again!

By guiding your puppy to their potty area at each potty suspension time, you're creating the association of where you'd similar them to go. Over the upcoming weeks as your puppy starts to become the hang of it, you can get-go removing the amount of pads one at a time until you're eventually downwards to i pad but. After several weeks of diligent repetition, your puppy should be able to head to the pad on their own!

Provide Positive Reinforcement for Your Puppy

Much of creating positive associations in puppy grooming comes with rewards and praise. Your puppy'southward potty training is no different! At The Puppy Academy, nosotros similar to call them puppy potty parties meaning whenever your puppy goes potty on their potty pad at the right time, celebrate! Praise them, and you can even requite them a special care for as a reward! They did what you lot wanted them to do and you want them to understand that action results in something good. Plus, making the experience a positive ane encourages your puppy to echo going potty in the same place!

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Common Mistakes New Puppy Parents Brand

Mistakes are normal, peculiarly if this is your first-time potty training a puppy! If y'all are planning to potty train using potty pads, remember to monitor your puppy while they are going potty. There's always a chance that your puppy will footstep off and get potty on the flooring instead. They are still learning after all! Use their harness, leash, and a pen around the pad area to help with this!

Don't let your puppy start to play or rip upwardly their potty pads. Letting your puppy do this substantially makes potty pads go from a potty grooming tool to a toy! This can exist confusing for your puppy and hard to teach them out of it plus dangerous if they start to chew and ingest them.

Go on the potty pads in the same location while your puppy is learning. Dogs don't generalize, and then laying a potty pad down in a new spot won't annals as "I can go here and also here" to your puppy and it tin create confusion and slow down their potty preparation process.

How to Troubleshoot Potty Accidents

Potty training accidents can happen for a multifariousness of reasons, the most common is young puppies still tin can't hold their potty for long periods of time and you lot may have waited too long for them to become! Brand sure to refer to our "Puppyhood Made Easy for New Owners: Create a Puppy Potty Schedule!" web log to learn how long your puppy tin hold information technology, and how to pace upward a potty preparation schedule to become them on track!

Another reason we mentioned briefly in the earlier department is moving around your puppy'south potty pad while they are still learning. If you have moved your puppy's potty pad and discovered an accident, try going back to where they start started going potty! Don't assume your puppy will know where to go but considering the potty pad is out. Remove the guesswork by guiding them there each time and then that yous can build them up to them knowing where to go through this repetition, over the next several weeks.

If your puppy is having accidents in their crate, information technology may exist likewise big for them! Extra infinite invites your puppy to sleep on ane side, and go potty on the other. Instinctually, your puppy won't go potty where they sleep then merely make sure to size your puppy'south crate to where they can stand, sit, lay down, and turn comfortably without extra room. And don't add together potty pads Within your pup's crate! This tin can also encourage them to go, instead of educational activity them to agree information technology.

If your puppy doesn't go potty at their designated time, don't permit them free roam! Movement stirs up a pup'southward bladder and bowels. Instead, put them back in the crate for 15-xx minutes and repeat the process! Lastly, make sure you're following the recommended schedule in the correct gild of activities of potty time > gratuitous time activity > nutrient/water > crate/residuum fourth dimension. For example, if you requite your their repast get-go, and then let them play, this is request for accidents! Gear up your puppy up for potty training success by getting them on a predictable schedule for them, and you!


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